Joshinko is used to make Steamed Cakes, Mitarashi Dumplings, Kashiwa Mochi, etc. The trademark and registration number on the Joshinko packaging made me want to pick up the product.
I enjoyed Joshinko made into Steamed Cakes and Mitarashi Dumplings.
The “Kyo-nokambutsuya” is a registered trademark of Sanada Co., Ltd (Japanese Trademark Registration No. 5034924).
I am interested in the “Kyoーnohoshiimoya (Kyo-no- Dried Sweet Potato- ya)” product (Japanese Trademark Registration No. 6580836) and the “Protein Kinako ” product (Trademark application filed on April 13, 2022), and other products that Sanada Co., Ltd. owns. (Raspberry)