Early Detection of Cancer by Urine Test “miSignal”

  • July 31, 2024
#patent #trademark

 “miSignal” (Japanese Trademark Registration No. 6548820), a cancer risk test, has been newly added as an optional test this year in the regular health checkups that our firm employees receive.


 This test analyzes microRNAs contained in urine and enables early detection of five types of cancer in men (lung, stomach, colon, esophagus, and pancreas) and seven types of cancer in women (ovary and breast cancer). When I took the test for the first time, I received a 20-page test result report following the page in the photo below.

miSignal report

 Craif Inc, which operates the test, is a venture company from Tokai National Higher Education and Research System (Nagoya University). By using an exosome extraction device with zinc oxide nanowires, it is now possible to detect a wide variety of microRNAs from a small amount of urine. The invention of “body fluid extract containing microRNA” disclosed in Japanese Patent Publication No. 2020-92688 and Japanese Patent Publication No. 2023-123592 (divisional application) is presumably related to this technology.

 We hope that the miSignal test will be widely used and that many people will be able to extend their healthy life expectancy through early detection of cancer risk. (Conan)

 (Reference site)
https://misignal.jp/ (Japanese only)

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