• November 27, 2020
#design #patent #trademark #utility model

Hello. This is Hiro.
The latest generation of PlayStation 5 (PS5), the home video game console, was released the other day (November 12, 2020). The number of people who wanted to purchase it exceeded that of the initial shipment, making it difficult to obtain. However, I was lucky enough to win the reservation lottery and got it on the release date.

High resolution and high frame rate image output, load time significantly shortened by adopting high-speed SSD, controller using high-precision haptic technology (tactile technology), 3D audio technology, and a lot of other latest technology are put in place, and the performance is greatly improved, compared to PlayStation 4 (PS4). Perhaps because I work on the patent field, I’m more interested in what kind of technology is currently used in game consoles and how far game-related technology has advanced, rather than playing the game itself. After playing with it for a while, I was particularly surprised by the haptic technology of the controller. The controller vibrates in various patterns and the repulsive force of the button changes according to the scene and situation in the game. It’s clearly different from the existing vibration technology. I felt that I could have an unprecedented gaming experience.

I searched patents and utility models on J-PlatPat by entering “Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.” (actually I could only type in up to 20 characters of the name due to the character number limit) in “Applicant / Right holder / Author Affiliation” column and 876 domestic documents were found (585 when narrowed down by “Registration date”). Some of the technologies described in these references may be used on the PS5.

Then, in the design search of J-PlatPat, when the same input was entered in the “Applicant / Right holder” field and searched, 55 domestic publications were found. The latest registration example (Design Registration No. 1671045) seems to be compatible with the wireless headset released on the same day as the PS5 main unit. In the future, there is a possibility that design registration and publication will be published for PS5 main units and controllers with innovative designs.

Furthermore, in the trademark search of J-PlatPat, when the same entry was made in the “Applicant / Right holder” field and the search was performed, 535 application / registration information was hit.

The “PS” logo (No. 4440718-2), “PS5” logo (Trademark application 2020-14898), and “PlayStation” (No. 5698539, etc.) are displayed on the right side from the center on the package front.

It can be seen that the “PS” logo (No. 4440718-2) is recognized as a well-known trademark because the same mark is registered as a defensive mark (No. 4440718-2 Protective No. 01, etc.).

Regarding the “PS5″ logo (trademark application 2020-14898), the trademark application was filed in Jamaica on December 2, 2019, secured a priority date, and then was filed in Japan on February 12, 2020, claiming the priority of the Paris Convention. This might have been done because when applying in Jamaica, it is difficult for the applied trademark to be known to the general public or others”, so that the “PS5” logo would not be known to the general public until the announcement date, outside Jamaica. Also, this is thought to be due to reasons such as preventing other people from preemptively applying for and registering in other countries. The “PS5” logo was announced at the consumer electronics trade fair “CES 2020” (Las Vegas, USA) on January 7, 2020, after the filing date for Jamaica and before the filing date for Japan.

The history of Hagino Kaori – Familiar Trademark

  • November 20, 2020

The other day, I bought a sweet called “Hagino Kaori”.

This confectionery is sold by “Mitsukuni Honten”, which has a store in Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. It is made by chopping the skin of summer oranges and boiling them in molasses. The one I bought was a limited product, available only in the fall from September to November, so it contained sliced unripe summer oranges. It looked and tasted refreshing and was a very good product.

A search on J-Platpat revealed that the trademark “Hagino Kaori (vertical writing)” was filed for trademark registration in 1919 (Taisho 8) and was registered in the same year (Registration No. 107032).
I realized that “Hagino Kaori” is a product that has been carefully inherited for a long time because it has been repeatedly renewed and registered and the trademark right has been effectively maintained to this day. (Sakuramochi)

Muscle Training with Power Ball

  • November 11, 2020
#intellectual property #patent #utility model

There have been less opportunities to do exercise or muscle training, I purchased an easy-to-use training equipment.
It is called a “Power Ball” or “Wrist Ball” and is used by holding with one hand.

It has a double structure of a ball and an outer ball that wraps it, and after winding a power spring to start the ball, turning the wrist to match the rotation of the ball will increase the number of rotations of the ball. , The gyro effect creates a force that causes the outer ball to move. By countering that force, you can strengthen your muscles.

Depending on how you hold it, you can train from your fingertips to your upper arm, but unlike training equipment such as dumbbells, you can train without overloading your muscles. Because it is small, there is no need to worry about the storage space. There is also a function to change the color and emit light according to the number of rotations, and to display the number of rotations and rotation speed.

When I opened the attached instruction manual, there was the word “patent”.

I haven’t seen many products with numbers lined up by country. It seems that 3 cases are registered in Japan. When I searched for Japanese numbers on J-PatPat, all three were registered as utility models. (Syszo)

Empty can satellite

  • November 6, 2020

Hello. It’s Swimmer.
I saw the news that there was a lecture of which a camera and a sensor were attached to a can of drinking water, dropped it from the drone, and see if it works properly.
It seems this was a preparation for a high school student tournament, expected to be held in Fukui prefecture in November of this year, where they will compete for the performance of their own artificial satellites.
The gadgets were made with easily available materials, and the experiment site was the school playground. It became a challenge for them to think themselves and make efforts to get the results. It was very fun and interesting news.
Previously, satellites flying from town factories to space were talked about, but I hope that the dreams of young people who look to science that will lead to patented technology that enriches our lives will grow greatly.

Reference news
High school students make artificial satellite with empty cans