
  • June 17, 2020

Collecting bellmarks is one of the PTA (Parent-teacher association) activity and I was involved in collecting and counting the bellmarks for my children’s school so I started collecting them. When I look at it in my daily life, I sometimes find myself unexpectedly discovering a bell mark in a product package, which makes me happy.

According to J-PlatPat, Bellmark was registered for Japanese trademark in 1982 and 2009. Though it is a familiar mark in Japan, it was registered as an aid/division for educational institution recently in 2009. The collected bellmarks will be used to purchase books and equipment for each school.

The actual counting was a daunting task of counting the cut-out marks by hand, but if it’s for the children, that steady activity may also be meaningful.
Why don’t you try to collect them too? (Marigold)

Bellmark Educational Foundation Homepage (Japanese)

J-PlatPat Bellmark Trademark Registration (1982)
J-PlatPat Bellmark Trademark Registration (2009)